But in many cases you will be able to accommodate both types of users in the same interface through various techniques, such as progressive disclosure. 但在大多数情况下,可以在同一个界面中通过各种像逐级显示这样的技术来创建出适用于两种不同类型用户的界面。
Progressive disclosure of advanced features encourages people to expand their usage of the product. 高级的功能一个一个发布,带动了人们对产品的拓展使用。
Progressive disclosure presents the most common choices to the user first and provides an option that allows the user to view additional information and choices. 渐进式提供信息。首先向用户呈现最通用的选项,并且提供选项允许用户查看额外的信息和选择。
The technique of displaying additional detail as needed is called progressive disclosure. 这种更多的额外细节信息的呈现技术称之为“渐进展开”。
Because each topic has a title and short description in addition to its full content, applications can provide progressive disclosure. 因为每一主题除了正文以外都有一个标题和简短描述,应用程序可以提供渐进公开。
Especially, it is reasonable that we research the progressive withdrawal mechanism from the intention and quality that enterprises disclosure voluntarily. This perspective and conclusion is creative in the existing research result. 3. 特别是渐进式退出机制设计下,从企业自愿的披露意愿和质量研究我国渐进式退出机制的设计是具有合理性的,这一视角和结论在现有的研究中是创新的。